For most, the Hospitality industry provides the notion of friendship, teamwork and trust.
One can expect these elements in a majority of workplaces, however, it takes time to reach that level of certainty within a working team. Whether your business venture is recent, or your team is being revamped, new personalities means new dynamics, so keeping a balanced atmosphere will need to remain a key factor. Within confined spaces, kitchen staff, floor staff and bar staff will be interacting on a constant and intimate level, exchanging feedback, requests and the occasional small talk during shifts. So with this in mind, be sure to let this flow continue, as workers need to feel that they are all in fact on the same team. As customers get involved and staff enter the weary territory of stress and frustration, it’s the dynamic of the staff as a whole that will keep customers unaware of their feelings emerging behind the scenes.
A difference in roles and responsibilities needs to be established at the get-go, allowing staff to have someone to rely on and ultimately have each problem fixed at the scene. To do so, your relationship with floor supervisors, head chefs and the bar manager will need to be on point every night before the shifts start. In order to know what the right strategy is in implementing a dynamic within the team, you must allow your members in charge to report each occurrence within the night/day, so that you can both work together in finding a solution that fits the team members individual approach.
Your employees will generally feel the need to interact with an array of people each shift, as change remains an everlasting effect within the hospitality industry. Staff want to network, build a foundation and feel a difference in atmosphere, so that their long hours and increasing workload doesn’t effect them so heavily. This can be achieved through a change in décor, music and of course the menu! This refreshment brings a sense of diversity and character within your venue, allowing your employees to feel uplifting and ready to face the new set of tasks each shift brings.
Change also generates ‘buzz’, a known factor within the lifestyle and entertainment region. Guests don’t want to step into your venue if a bunch of grim faces are prancing around the floor, they need to instead feel the fresh energy of your staff on each and every visit. To accomplish this, arrange meetings with your employees and see if different types of dishes can be designated to a specific night, or an event can be held within the venue to bring in a new customers- this will reinforce the notion of experience and satisfaction within each guests customer experience.
To ensure that staff members feel positive and free to converse with each other and also manage the venue in their respected areas, they need to first feel comfortable in completing their main job. When team members are hired, usually they have experience in a previous venue, but that doesn’t mean they have formal training.
It is commonly seen that a barista will learn on the job, practicing non stop to perfect a standard latte during their shift, or waiters take their time before beginning to juggle a three plate serving. This in fact causes delays, wastage and frustration within the workplace, throwing off each employee’s duties. For this reason, training courses are necessary, to help them develop skills at a constant rate and also increase their confidence. Within each course, most individuals are given certificates, which can in turn lead to an improved development in their hospitality career. For employees to know that their position can advance in relation to their skill set, a greater sense of fulfilment and care will be taken within their role.
Holding a steady reputation in the hospitality industry is imperative, as customers will be more likely to hear about your business venture through word of mouth, rather than stumbling by and trying their luck. The core desire of all owners and staff alike is to provide guests with a satisfactory and ultimately enjoyable experience during their visit, so why not use this time to mingle and gain knowledge of your customer’s opinions. Gaining insight into each customer’s thoughts about the service and overall vibe within your venture can be an effective tool for networking and business development.
Networking opportunities will grow in time, appealing to your brands significance and expanding your knowledge of expertise within the area code. By coming by the venue each night, doing the rounds and making sure your guests experience is nothing short of ideal, a level of reputation is sure to follow. And as you know, your staff, being hospitality enthusiasts, have an innate desire to communicate and build closer ties with each customer, so push this notion forward and follow through until it has been made an understanding.
All in all, a new business venture in the field of hospitality is centred around communication. Knowing how and when to speak to your staff or clients alike, will allow your brand to flourish in more ways than one. Being a representative and leader within your venue is a position requiring patience, understanding and fulfilment towards growing with your employees.
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